Brand Clarity Quiz
Is your brand speaking clearly? Find out with my brand clarity quiz!
Because there's a big difference between YOU knowing what you do and the real humans behind your marketing actually understanding what you just said.
Free with no email sign-up required!
Like so many of us, I kept trying to do the industry standard of being a little too cute/clever/different with my tagline, words, and copy and wondering why people said, "Oh, that's neat" with a blank look in their eyes.
But then not booking my services.
When your branding doesn’t clearly SAY WHAT YOU DO, how on earth is anyone going to cut through the noise to buy from you, work with you, learn from you, or refer you to someone else?
(They don’t!)
Turns out, being super clear =
a happy YES to your offer!
Take the quiz!
I created this super short quiz to help you figure out if YOUR brand is speaking to your people clearly. (And what to do about it if it’s not.)
Try it out and I'd love to hear your results!
Want to learn more about refreshing your brand for maximum clarity?